By WTA - 20/02/2012 17:36 - United States

Today, I tried to impress my wife by doing a bunch of push-ups, despite having a bad shoulder. She told me my form sucks and that I'm an idiot. Now I can barely move my arm and I'm going to have to get it fixed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 655
You deserved it 34 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude, she's your wife... she doesn't give two shots about how many pushups you can do... esp with a bad shoulder. next time either try phenomenal sex or just do the Damn dishes


CallMeMcFeelii 13

Men must be men. Survival of the fittest haha.

YDI for not performing the pushups while she was under you, dear OP.

I think that your wife is verbally abusive. Seek help before it goes too far.

Should've gone with a 1 handed push-up. :P

Should've gone with a 1 handed push-up instead . :P

HomestarRunGuy 2

Trying to impress your wife!?! For shame!

I'm a girl, and I still think a compliment wouldn't kill her. -.-