By Anonymous - 17/12/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, I tried to rid my son of his pacifier. He still uses it to sleep. My son is 20 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 267
You deserved it 26 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

There are worse things for your son to be sucking on before he sleeps.


TunaFlavoredFing 0

At least it's not a penis he is sucking on........................yet

you did something seriously wrong bringing that kid up, no offense

he is mentally retarded? how does a normal 20 yr old do that

Floyd4Ever 0

He is just practicing for the day he actually finds a girl!

FallenNevermorE 0
needsagf14 12

I bet he has some BIG teeth

im sry lady but u officialy fail at being a parent!

mischawalker63 3

Privacy fail. I use a pacifier myself, I'm 21. I use it to stop snoring, calm my nerves (its a pacifier, duh), and it helps me when I want something to chew on. My mother threw my pacifier away one day in the summer when I was working, I ended up going to my backup: gum. In the two weeks it took for my replacement pacifier to get to me, I'd spent $25 on gum.....the pacifier was $19.....and it has lasted a year....extrapolate that out. For all you who are whining about her being a bad parent for her son having a pacifier, you obviously don't realize that people can and still do have a need to have something in their mouth. My mother uses cigarettes....she spends $100+ a month, I use a binky....sure im a freak, but I have $100 more in disposable income than her! Sure I'm a freak, but I at least won't have COPD by 50!