By Anonymous - 17/12/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, I tried to rid my son of his pacifier. He still uses it to sleep. My son is 20 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 267
You deserved it 26 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

There are worse things for your son to be sucking on before he sleeps.


UsernameInCanada 7

When I was 3 my parents threw mine out. That's a difference between your son and I. Also that I have a job interview and date today, two things he will never have. Horrible parenting ma'am.

rachilio 26

And you just tried to stop from using it now? And now when he was 3? Even 3 is a bit late. I mean it's ok if it's like "oh well he does it once in a while" and not "every night since he was born"

YDI for letting it go on that long. I can imagine you're one of those parents that lets, "Oh it's just a phase." go too far

ok...does he dress in footies too? FYL