By Anonymous - 17/12/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, I tried to rid my son of his pacifier. He still uses it to sleep. My son is 20 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 267
You deserved it 26 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

There are worse things for your son to be sucking on before he sleeps.


Florian_fml 0

Wow. How is this that bad, you guys? I could understand if he couldn't function normally and was unable to act mature when he needed to, but just sleeping with a pacifier doesn't mean the OP's failed as a parent. It's actually pretty cute.

xtrixxxyx 0

Either seriously developmentally delayed? or his ass is rollin on extaaacyyyy!!! ;)

i think it's cute but it's his decession to use it now so theres no point in complaining

danibubblegum 0

make sure to punch him in the face and tell him he's a little bitch

I'm sure if this guy is still using a pacifier at 20 it would be difficult to simply stop seeing as he's been doing it his whole life. it's clearly a psychological addiction.

hnt1213 0

don't let him get a girl friend, he'll suck her *******.