By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 21:46 - United States

Today, I turned 18. My parents remembered that I loved German chocolate cake, so I awoke to a hot, fudge-filled chocolate cake with a slice cut out just for me. I've been lactose-intolerant for 8 years. As I cried, my mom handed me tissues, while eating the "Happy" part of my cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 179
You deserved it 5 663

Same thing different taste

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OP discovered a cake that they fell madly in love with 8 or more years ago. 8 years ago, they could no longer have this cake or anything else containing dairy products. Today is their 18th birthday. Their family made OP the previously mentioned cake that OP has not been able to eat for 8 years and still cannot eat. OP cried because they can't eat this delicious birthday cake and evidently, their family doesn't know her very well. OP's mom ate a piece of the cake which had a smiley face or something on it. Do you get it now? It's not that hard to understand...

Dude, who cares about the aftermath, eat it anyway.


hurray4jmk 1
zebrapattern 6

so if you can't eat it, how did you know you loved it?

redhedsaysrawr 18

idiot... the same reason i love shrimp but cant eat it anymore... found out im allergic to it BECAUSE i ate it... Therefore, OP ate stuff with lactose in it before she found out... you do realize all dairy products among other things have lactose in them, and therefore i think OP would have eaten SOMETHING with lactose in it as a child... -_-

1. you know there is medicine for that right? so you can have milk and cheese... and 2. you cried because you couldn't eat your cake and your 18? sorry but that's funny lmfao XD

its a disorder and it can come any time of your life just like diabetes


So... You're crying about a cake? o-O

kcmjlopez 0

Kind of old to be crying over a cake. Damn.

reaganelaina 0

Your either a huge wuss or just stupid I'm lactose intolerant and I eat ice cream all the time let alone chocolate cake it won't do anything to you

KalCountry76 12

I'm both lactose intolerant and allergic to chocolate. I would eat that cake still any day. Its not like it'll kill you. You'll just have a stomach ache and have to go potty. That's all.