By Apparently not a writer - 20/02/2013 16:36 - United States - Hockessin

Today, I uploaded the first chapter of my best writing yet to a popular writing website. After ten minutes, I was thrilled to already see one review and five comments. Each comment was telling me to immediately delete the story because of how horrible it was. The rating was half a star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 151
You deserved it 8 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you do a fanfic of 50 Shades of Grey? Who am I kidding that would become a bestseller.


What everyone here is saying is true, almost none of today's classic writers were critically acclaimed during their time. Starving Artists and all that, right?

a small advice.. dont give up.. keep trying and trying untill u get it right

Some people can be super brave and critical behind the safety of their computer screen. Ignore the haters, keep on writing if you enjoy doing it. Take on board any constructive criticism but ignore the people being assholes.

doglover100 28

You have time to evolve as a writer.

I would love to see what site and what your story is. :) I think that you just need some feedback. If someone can point out to you what in your writing falls short, instead of just bashing it like those people did, then you can go back and fix it. There is no point in giving criticism if it isn't constructive, then it's just being mean.

KiddNYC1O 20

Don't be discouraged, wait for more views.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

With the internet, everybody is a critic!

It could be or Those are the only two I know of. Maybe the OP will decide to come back and at least let the title of it be known