By Apparently not a writer - 20/02/2013 16:36 - United States - Hockessin

Today, I uploaded the first chapter of my best writing yet to a popular writing website. After ten minutes, I was thrilled to already see one review and five comments. Each comment was telling me to immediately delete the story because of how horrible it was. The rating was half a star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 151
You deserved it 8 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you do a fanfic of 50 Shades of Grey? Who am I kidding that would become a bestseller.


Don't stop writing!.....If writing is what you love then keep doing what you do......;)....those are just a few opinions from ppl who were probably jealous

Please could you post a link? I will read and give constructive feedback.

You either got it or you don't , sorry

missd420 16

Did you learn everything you know perfectly the first time you did it? Everything takes practice.

You may want to consider the fact that you're not a natural writer. But if its what you really want to do, keep at it

Start writing a novel relating mostly to love and lust and some storyline similar to Harry Potters. It should be a best seller.

grace_rulean_92 2

Keep writing, OP. I don't know what or what about you wrote, so I can't compliment or criticize it, but my advice to you is to write as often as you can. Plus, it may help to read over what you've written to make sure you're not gushing, writing sentences in building blocks, or making ridiculous grammatical errors. Go through your "best writing ever" and find ways to make the chapter even more astounding than you could have ever believed it to be (extreme editing). Ignore the stinking and sliming Internet toadstools and work hard so that creative writing becomes one of your most adept areas. (:

Perhaps they're not trolls... maybe it was really bad.

Jazzalyn 10

Don't let it discourage you OP :). Something similar happened to me too. 10 years later and I still enjoy writing things :) I would suggest maybe getting someone to read it before you post next time though :).