By Apparently not a writer - 20/02/2013 16:36 - United States - Hockessin

Today, I uploaded the first chapter of my best writing yet to a popular writing website. After ten minutes, I was thrilled to already see one review and five comments. Each comment was telling me to immediately delete the story because of how horrible it was. The rating was half a star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 151
You deserved it 8 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you do a fanfic of 50 Shades of Grey? Who am I kidding that would become a bestseller.


Don't delete the story you worked hard on it

Ooh what site is this? I wanna read it and see if it is actually that bad xD

bubblybrooke 12

Unfortunately in this case, public perception does matter. If your audience doesn't like your writing, then that's a big factor for how successful you will be. However, that doesn't mean you can stop writing. The more you practice, the better you'll get. And it doesn't matter if you're god-awful at it if you enjoy it anyways. Best of luck!

FanFiction I take it? Oh wait, ratings...TWCS? Don't worry, all of them get really suck-y ratings and reviews the first time around.

Keep trying, OP. Practice makes perfect.

LeCielNousAide 7

There are a lot of reasons a story can be terrible -- not enough details, holes in the plot (a surprising amount of writers don't think through their plots.

BellaMarta 19

I wonder what would happen if you uploaded your worst piece of writing.

I know it seems like it's a dark and stormy night now, OP, but remember that it's always darkest before the dawn. See? Bet your work was better than that! Keep writing.

So good to you but not so good to others? Someone here said to take the criticism and use the comments to build your craft. Good luck.