By Anonymous - 10/06/2012 06:24 - Canada - Whitby

Today, I used a prank app, where you shake the cell, and it makes the screen looks cracked. I ended up losing my grip on the phone. It went flying, and it is now cracked for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 949
You deserved it 36 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That FML cracked me up. Get it? No? Okay ;(

Every action has a reaction my friend.


Those apps look fake as hell anyway. Oh well. YDI for doing something so pointless.

I actually have that app for my phone and it looks pretty good...even if you don't throw your phone.

For some strange reason I read #37's comment as "OP's craps look pretty authentic". Boy did that confuse me :D

From experience, that shit looks authentic too.

why would you want to make your phone look broken?

duckie227 22

The man with a knife through his skull is still smarter than OP...

Well its all ***** and giggles until someone giggles and *****. :)

Don't you see that the app's purpose is not to make the screen looked cracked? It's to prank people like you into breaking their phones. So it actually serves it's purpose as a prank app pretty well :D.

FMLshark 12

It's the app, just very high definition and far too realistic.

abouttosleep 5

Since you already help developers to increase the making of those stupid apps, why don't you try to check for an app that repairs the damage for you...

tony1891 22

it was time to get rid of that old iPhone Anyway.

i assume it wasn't your phone, otherwise it makes no sense to do that on your own phone

If you drop a Nokia on the ground, the ground breaks.