By asthmatic - 18/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I used my inhaler for the first time in a year. As soon as I took a puff I felt something strange go down my throat. Upon closer inspection I discovered there had been a spider living in the mouth of my inhaler... and I had just swallowed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 264
You deserved it 8 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you swallow the spider to catch the fly? I don't know why you swallowed a fly. ...Perhaps you'll die.

If that happened to me I would have to use the inhaler so I wouldn't have an asthma attack! FYL :(


chrispy0111 0

Oh, god. I would've had a heart attack.

MissyWissyKach 0

omg that sucks. i used 2 watch the discovery channel when i was little and i learned you swollow @ least 8 spiders in your lifetime when you r sleep. i was always afriad of that. btw ppl who dont beleive him... the spider has 8 legs and you can feel more than 2 down your throat and the spider could have made a web SHUT UP you R-tard

...that's why you puff it twice if you haven't used it in a long time :/

Phoenix_GAD 0

This Is Fake!!! 1) People with inhalers KNOW that they have an expiration date. 2) They are not effective after said date. 3) The opening that the inhalant comes out of is WAYY too small for a spider to pass thru. 4) #4, you are amazing xD

I'm an asthmatic, and I can almost guarantee my inhaler is expired since I have no idea how old it is. I also have 2 expired epi pens. You've never used expired medicine?

Phoenix_GAD 0

no, i actually dont. im a bit ocd about that sorta thing. or it could just be that the medicine is usually all gone by the time it expires.

1 down 7 to go! (You consume approximately 8 spiders in your life.)

No, you really don't. The average person consumes 0.

at least it didn't go down the wrong pipe, and @69, spiders come in all sizes, jackass

Phoenix_GAD 0

what, because i make a comment, it means im a jackass? but as everyone else has been saying, if he/she swallowed it, how would they know it was a spider? and why would you store the inhaler w/o the cap/top on? If you are asthmatic, wouldnt you take better care of ur inhaler? i know i do.

Who knows maybe you'll get some web slinging powers out of it.

I just puked a little bit. If that happened to me, I probably would end up freaking out so bad that I would need the inhaler again. Fail.