By asthmatic - 18/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I used my inhaler for the first time in a year. As soon as I took a puff I felt something strange go down my throat. Upon closer inspection I discovered there had been a spider living in the mouth of my inhaler... and I had just swallowed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 264
You deserved it 8 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you swallow the spider to catch the fly? I don't know why you swallowed a fly. ...Perhaps you'll die.

If that happened to me I would have to use the inhaler so I wouldn't have an asthma attack! FYL :(


I felt a chill down my spine just reading this fml.

PleaseSayTheBaby 0

#23 that is true. But it happens mostly in your sleep... Like when sometimes you wake up coughing for no reason... You could have had a spider crawl into your mouth and down your throght. I think I spelled throght wrong LOL. Have fun sleeping guys!!!! LOL.

lol throat u retard, and I think 10 needs to go back to 1st grade and learn about spiders And OP FYL that blows

ForWhatItsWorth 0

And you don't think that cleaning something you'll put in your mouth after a year of it gathering dust is irrational? /facepalm

BrutalDave 0

It's anatomically impossible to swallow the spider if you're using an inhaler. You don't swallow air; you breathe it and it goes down your trachea into your lungs. When you swallow, your epiglottis blocks off the trachea so the food/liquid goes down your esophagus into your stomach. Therefore, you're either completely full of shit and don't know what you're taking about, or your lungs are weirdly ******.

shattered2004 0

Most people swallow to get the taste out of their mouths afterwards. My doctor actually encourages it.

@25: That isn't true. It's just a myth, i thought the same thing for years.

NewLight8421 0

one time i was in the car going to school... my aunt / grandma were visiting from arkansas and theres a bunch of daddy long legs there... i felt something on my chin... guess the rest.... #4 WIN

LOL #32 mythbusters nerd and #18 some spiders have 6 legs dipshit LOL dumbasses that think they know everyhing these days

if a spider has 6 legs its not a spider its an insect

planetearth 0

Umm... yea no spiders have 6 legs.. idiot. Like the replier before me.. that would clearly make them an insect, and not a spider. Wow grade school really failed you, huh?