By idiot says pussy - 21/01/2014 17:43 - United States

Today, I visited my girlfriend at her place, one thing lead to another, and we had sex for the first time. Her normally very sweet cat now hisses and savages me if I so much as look at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 410
You deserved it 7 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You moved in on his territory, of course he is going to be pissed at you.

"Idiot says pussy." Very strategic name, OP, let's see if it pays off in the comments.


SuperMew 22

It sounds like the cat was scared by the noises you were making. I would start trying to associate yourself with things that are not dangerous or scary. Get a cat toy (a mouse on a string, something that keeps your hands away from him) and try to play with him. Ask if you can feed him treats when he sees you. The more he associates you with good things, the less likely he will be to savage you. Try also watching Cat from Hell, helped me with a troublesome cat.

You Ma'am are the old lady with the cats

At first I read girlfriend as grandma (/•_•)/ Ew.

Don't leave your clothes on the floor, the cat will start pissing on it

JMichael 25
perdix 29

Plan A: Establish yourself as the alpha male by forcefully repelling the cat attacks until he becomes submissive and accepts your rule. Plan B: Antifreeze.

you're so cool and edgy. murdering innocent animals horribly is hilarious...

Looks like the cat will be put in another room...

Cat thinks you tried to hurt your gf. They see jumping and don't know what it is and they can only conclude you tried to hurt their owner.

he wanted to be the only pussy in your life

YoZesto 7

Gives new meaning to "beat the pussy up".

SuckMeBeautifu1 24

That pussy saw you put it in the wrong hole bro. Aim better next time ;l