By idiot says pussy - 21/01/2014 17:43 - United States

Today, I visited my girlfriend at her place, one thing lead to another, and we had sex for the first time. Her normally very sweet cat now hisses and savages me if I so much as look at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 410
You deserved it 7 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You moved in on his territory, of course he is going to be pissed at you.

"Idiot says pussy." Very strategic name, OP, let's see if it pays off in the comments.


6dandaman5 8

It's a cat . You satisfied the only pussy that mattered

I think OP just wanted to share that he had sex

you tore up the pussy... now your gunna get torn up by the pussy.

of course he's mad at you. you stole his girl

Pussy. Now I'm an idiot! Yay, I did it mom! (She always knew I had it in me)