By Anonymous - 04/07/2012 16:40 - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend and sister fooling around in the shower together. Supposedly, she was sleepwalking, and he was trying to wake her up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 721
You deserved it 3 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

I don't even know how I would respond if it were me

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Your sister's a bitch and your EX boyfriend is a douche. Really, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone better than him, OP! Go get 'em! ;)


that is supposed to be someone you trust. goes to show they are both no good for you, and don't worry, something much better will be on its way

he's a dick but worse than him is your sister. she obviously has no respect for you, guys are replaceable but family isn't and she seems to have forgotten that whilst she walked in her sleep-_-

gabesaccount 1

Ur a ****** idiot y wud u walk in the bathroom while someone is taking a shower!??!!!! U deserved to see that

KiddNYC1O 20

You have a lot of nerves calling the op an idiot...

Your atrocious English betrays your own intelligence… u ****** idiot. Someone moaning in pain (or in this case, with desire) is enough to warrant concern and attention.

OP never said they were showering, she did say they were in the shower.

KiddNYC1O 20

Op also said her bf was trying to wake her up. It somewhat indicates shower was running.

As horrible as his spelling is, he does make a good point, why the hell did you walk in on someone in the shower? If I heard moaning coming from that area, knowing I lived with my family, I'd probably mind my own ******* business. She could be masturbating or have her own boyfriend in there for all you know. Knock on the door, asking "are you alright in there?" if you're really that concerned... Don't get me wrong, this isn't me saying you deserve it, just wondering what the **** you were doing? Unless of course your family is usually cool with that sort of thing - in which case your sister is also an idiot for doing that in such a public area that any family member could bust her.

OP could've been looking for her bf & saw him there Or op didn't know anyone was showering & just walked in Lol get a brain

Your first point was stupid, who just walks in to a bathroom someone is showering in when they live with their family because they were "looking for their boyfriend" rather than asking who is in there? Assuming her parents are both around, you have a 75% chance of seeing something you don't want to see. Your second point applies if she has a hearing problem or her bathroom is soundproofed...neither of which sound like they exist in this story. Take your own advice, genius.

Could have one bathroom, she could have needed to use the toilet and that she just saw two people in there, knowing her parents weren't in there... You don't know the full situation, so don't be an ignorant prude and throw insults at someone. Comment section isn't for rudeness. It's to share thoughts on that. No need to be rude.

I think we know now why her boyfriend didn't want to get in the shower with her earlier today. I know; the FMLs weren't in the same place :)

what was he using to wake her up? hehe

"Is he going to tell daddy of our Secret tickle time"-that's my boy

linkinpark98 23

Wow, he doesn't deserve you, OP. Find someone better! :)

sweetmama88 6

You need to kick them both to the curb!