By Anonymous - 04/07/2012 16:40 - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend and sister fooling around in the shower together. Supposedly, she was sleepwalking, and he was trying to wake her up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 721
You deserved it 3 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

I don't even know how I would respond if it were me

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Your sister's a bitch and your EX boyfriend is a douche. Really, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone better than him, OP! Go get 'em! ;)


That sucks OP but you'll find some one way better:)

That your sister would do that to you.. FYL OP. Dump him.

Herculesninja27 5

I could not imagine if my sister did that to me. Guys come and go, you can dump his ass and never talk to him again, but your sister is your sister forever. I think I would be more mad at her because she could have said no to him and told you about it.

brittlehorn20 21

I say dump him and never trust your sister around your boyfriends again.

Lucky he was there to keep her from hurting herself huh? Sleepwalking can be dangerous you know. Lol

Lionesse 15

Slap her and say you were sleepwalking. I am sure they will understand :D