By brebre101 - 31/07/2011 09:05 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my brother performing voodoo on a doll with my picture taped to its face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 176
You deserved it 4 921

Same thing different taste


KennKenn 0

Just a few more hair strands, then it's complete.

justanotherbird 19

Siblings fight and argue with each other all the time. Doing something vengeful, petty, and silly happens. EDIT: Comment glitch! Meant for #40.

MyPencils 5

watch out for those kind of things!

tacovender 7

You got lucky. If it was hair or something it might have worked!

take the doll away from you brother. he won't be able to practice voodoo on it anymore and you'll finally get to play with yourself without anyone judging you as a pervert.