By brebre101 - 31/07/2011 09:05 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my brother performing voodoo on a doll with my picture taped to its face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 176
You deserved it 4 921

Same thing different taste


SayPeanuts 29

How old is your brother because if he's young I guess it's okay, but if he's like 20 I'd be worried.

Just_Peed 0

don't worry, as long as you're not having stabbing pains in random places, you're alright. anybody else think of Creepshow? (:

sourgirl101 28

I was thinking "Weird Science". Time to get an action figure with his picture on it.

StarshipRanger 0

At least you didn't walk in on him doing something else......

love your profile pic! AVPM is amazing! lol

oxxxjackyxxxo 3

it would ofd been better if she had walked in on him doin sumthn else than voodoo..... -_-

unearth the necronomicon and repay the favor

Tobias5505 0

maybe he was trying to bless you and make sure that no harm came your way. shame on you for assuming .

i cast voodoo spells on all my blowup dolls, that shit works, tell your brother to be careful.

fmlwinnn 0

you'd better not pout! you'd better not shout! you'd better not cry and I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town! :D