By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I walked out to my car to see four kids taking the hubcaps, radio, and license plates off of my truck. I chased them six blocks until I tripped and twisted my ankle. I limped back to my car and found a ticket on my windshield for $55 dollars. The reason? Missing license plates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 631
You deserved it 3 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did they write you out a ticket with no license plates? Just a description of the truck? :/

sorry to hear that. so unfortunate can you fight that ticket? that seems like a legit reason, just hard to show proof


musicsnob79 0

So there were no cops around the whole time while the kids were stealing your stuff....yet during the 5min you chased them, one shows up just in time to write you a ticket and is gone again before you can get back?? I'd hate to live in your neighborhood!

That sucks. People wonder why I hate kids. There we go! Good luck with that!

ZiggyMorrison 0

If its not in your driveway they'll write a ticket on anything this ones up there with the worst the YDI ******* can go **** themselves

Why didnt you get in your truck and chase them, vehicular manslaughter would have been arguable in court.

subbullet 7

that sucks so bad. The same thing happened to one of my teachers. S

I would fight the ticket, there's a good reason you didn't have a license plate on your car, and it wasn't your fault.

magiczipperman 0

They can write a ticket based off VIN. That plate visible from outside. Assuming the car is in his name, they have all the info they need off that, once they check the system. It could be fought, I doubt one has an insured car that isn't licensed.

Why would you run after them on foot? Why didn't you whip out the phone and snap a picture of the kids? I found someone breaking into my car once and I took a picture and the guy got busted.