By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


thuryn 2

#367 / ihateslife: Not to mention that coffee - even all froo-froo - is GOOD! :) Keeps the good people of Guatamala in business growing it. They keep makin' it and I keep drinkin' it. Seems perfect. (And don't get me started about where the beans come from. I just got finished watching a show on the food channel where they talked to some bean farmers in Guatamala who SPECIFICALLY mentioned that certain beans get sold to Starbuck's. So shove it, picky FML posters.)

Bums piss me off!!! I mean, if I have change on me I'll give it to them, but I rarely carry change. Not so long ago this bum snuck up on me in a car park while I was eating lunch in my car.. Shoved a sign in my window that said 'Hungry and homeless. Spare change please.' I didn't have any spare change, and I'd just used my card to buy Wendys. So after I said 'Sorry, I don't have any change' he stood there and stared at my food, eyes wide, then stared at me, until I gave him my chips so he would go away. I'm pregnant!! I don't want to be attacked by a ravenous bum! Sure, I feel sorry for them that they have to sleep on the cold concrete day in - day out and scavenge for food, but.. I'm not responsible for that. I didn't get them to that stage. I hate helping people that won't help themselves, but then try to make YOU feel bad for being better off than they are. THE WORLD DOESN'T OWE YOU ANYTHING. Maybe if you'd got off your arse and stopped feeling sorry for yourself, that arse wouldn't be sat on the cold concrete everyday with nothing to eat, would it?

You deserved that. You aren't obligated to give him money, but the least you can do is not lie to him about it.

LSeb 0

I find that hard to believe. A bum is used to being told no and lied to. I doubt he would waste three hours following you when he could have used that time to simply ask other people for money. FAKE.

staffer 0

Well for one thing you can pay for things at starbucks with credit or debit cards and not cash, so shouldve told him off for that if this is true, which you shouldve told him. and i dont give money to them since I was robbed by one, sure he may have ruined it for the bunch but **** them all. dont mean to be mean but 90% of them are homeless for a reason.

softballwhizz 0

that's when you turn around and say "I payed with a credit card!!"

llamasoks 0

I'd normally give a homeless person something but you have no obligation to give him money, he doesn't deserve the money you earn to chase you and curse you is just stupid not to mention mean and frightening.

thuryn 2

#374 / softballwhizz: "Payed?"

For all the people who said he deserved it, you've obviously never lived in the city.