By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


That's why I never tell them I don't have money... I just ignore them

KidKeep 0

When a beggar you wish to have nothing to do with asks for "spare change"; simply reply "I'm sorry, I have no spare change." You're not lying if you have even 1000 pennies in your backpack; I don't know many people who actually have "spare" money lying around; I've pretty much got a purpose for my money and don't just sling it at ever bum I see. I could start out my walk with $100 and be broke inside of an hour somedays. I'm happy to have a few bucks left over from paying the bills and the payments on tens of thousands of school loans. My pay check was/is hard earned, I'm still paying for the "education" than enabled me to get my job; so if it came down to giving a bum a hand out and myself getting to enjoy a Starbucks once (or even a few times) a week...I choose myself every time. I believe in donating to charity, not providing hand-outs. I've given people rides home before and bought meals for people before. I'm quite glad none of the people I've helped have been disgruntled over getting a free ride or meal. I'm not sure how I would react, but I'm fairly certain it wouldn't be kind and would likely have a few words he/she would have no problems understanding my disgust with them as a human being. I'm sorry for your situation, but F HIS LIFE, not yours.

There was a lady at the store the other day asking for money for the bus. I didn't give her any but watched as someone gave her a few bucks. She went inside and bought lottery tickets. Scumbag

#335 blackshadow. Are you serious. You are a

A ass. It's his money not that dirtballs. Most of the beggers do not buy food. I bet if the poster said he didn't have amy cash on hand but would buy him a meal

(sry keep hitting save with my finger) anyways I bet the begged would get pissed and walk away. How do I know you ask. Well it has happened to me twice. I offered and the dirtbags got pissed. The wanted the money.

screw that. FYL. I hate the bums that berate you because you wouldn't give them money.

dorkasaur 0

Hey it's not really ur fault Maybe there was an ATM somewhere. And besides it maybe u just didn't want to give him money. I wouldn't Everyone is homeless for a reason and sometimes there are fake homeless people just trying to get money out of you

I wouldn't feel too bad. Any experienced homeless guy should know that everyone has money, just not necessarily for him. It still probably sucked to have a dirty, vagrant, vulgar dude shadowing you for three blocks.

I hate bums. When they ask me for spare change I usually tell them that I have some but need to spend it on myself. Than I tell them to **** off and get a job.