By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


amazingkate 0

i hate being bothered by homeless people, but not as much as i hate people who purvey starbucks. meh.

How is this even a FML? You can buy drinks with credit or debit cards at Starbucks FYI. And even if you DID have money, there's no reason to give it to a bum. If you really wanted to, you can/should give him food.

$1000 in my bank account, but i still give money to the hobos

curryndricegirll 0

203, I added in the communist part just to see if anyone would actually respond to that. Guess it worked haha. I don't actually think it's communistic. I joke. I agree that it would be nice to give someone your extra money or to receive it when I needed it, but I don't think that the "hobo" should be expecting money. I'm not going to be pissed about someone spending their hard-earned money on themselves rather than on me. Of course, I'd rather that they did, but they are not obligated to give me that money. It's not selfish to want to spend your money on you. Honestly, if you go around giving money to every hobo you see, you're going to end up broke. Generosity is something that comes from the heart not something that should be expected.

curryndricegirll 0

Btw, with our taxes...we're not giving away our extra money. Everyone gives the supposed to be giving the same percent of our income to the government. Now, if the rich people were giving enough money to end up giving enough money to have the same net wage as the poor people, then it would be communist.

i pay with card of course i don't have any change.

And THIS is why I don't have faith in the human race. Just because you have an obligation to yourself doesn't mean that you can't spare at least one STINKING penny to someone in need. And to all the people who said "Ohh, he's just gonna buy drugs or somethin'", should be ashamed. Sure, some "homeless" people have made their lives bad by buying drugs, but still, some of them haven't. They're just trying to survive because, maybe, for example, they don't have the proper education for a good job, hence why they are living on the streets. So what if they ask you for change. Anyways, I COMPLETELY understand why he would follow you for a few blocks shouting at you. Heck, I would too. Lying is okay sometimes, but can you at least be a LITTLE bit modest? Spare him some change, rather than spending the money on YOUR luxury. I doubt you would not be able to survive if you did not have one little "Strawberry Frappucinno". It's a luxury, a luxury that means nothing. By lying to him about that, loses you respect in the modern world, and should break your dignity. I think you, and other people who disagree on this issue, should be ashamed. Long story short, a few cents or dollars won't matter in the long run, be it for a homeless person's food, or if they even do buy drugs, you should know that you at least TRIED to help someone out, rather than caring for your selfish own self and buying a "Strawberry Frappuccino" or something. YDI.

thuryn 2

blackshadow: You don't get it do you? Beggars like that DON'T USE THE MONEY FOR FOOD. This has been studied and proven over and over and over. People who really want food and are interested in proving themselves DON'T BECOME BEGGARS. There are a thousand other ways to get back on your feet that don't involve yelling at other people for three blocks that had nothing to do with your plight. And don't you goddamned ASSUME that any of us HAVEN'T been there. Maybe SOME of us have EARNED our places here and don't feel like PISSING IT AWAY to the endless supply of people who don't have what it takes to make it. Call it personal responsibility. Call it luck. Call it what you want. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DEMAND FROM YOU WHAT IS YOURS. PERIOD. That's called MUGGING SOMEONE and it's ILLEGAL.

Come on, guys. There are bums all over the place, if you throw them money every time you pass them, you'll soon be a bum yourself. You don't owe them anything, and if you felt like spending your money on coffee rather than helping some hobo get drugs, that's your business. Piss in his face next time you see him.

YDI for having a "strawberry frappichino" you fag, regular esspresso is fine!