By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


Darianna_Tashido 3

Get off of your high horses. The guy obviously feels bad and obviously none of you have been in a school setting recently. Most schools have the policy of if you have ANY sort of paper out that even MIGHT be considered cheating then tests get taken and torn up. Hell, even COLLEGE classes have this policy. The guy was just doing his job, get over it.

MochaGandhi 0

Dude, Screw you. There is no Reason a "Teachers Assistant" has the right to rip up a kids test. That would be the teachers responsibility. So stop acting like you know what your talkin about, cause you obviously don't.

No, that's what the TA does when proctoring a test. There's no point if they'd need to bother the teacher for something they can obviously handle. What do you people not understand about "All Papers away and if they are caught cheating an automatic fail"? Take your heads outta your asses, think with your damn heads, and stop giving the person sh*t for doing their god damn job properly. Do you people seriously fall for every damn heartstring-tugging story?

MochaGandhi 0

Listen here Bud. I dont really care what you say, a TA has no right ripping a kids test. He should tell the teacher, you know, since they are IN-CHARGE of the damn class. A teacher may ask for the not instead of being a dumb ass and jumping to conclusion, like someone such as yourself would do. OK? Fellow student have no authority compared to me. So, Back off. :]

Yeah, when a TA is proctoring a test they are in charge of making sure no one cheats, no papers out means NO PAPERS. Maybe if you went to school you might realize that. At that point they're not a fellow student, they are there to make sure no cheating happens and as such have the power to fail someone as a teacher would, hence the term "proctoring".

theonlysweetpea 10

#699 Its no excuse. Every teacher I've ever had or seen on tv never overreacted like a total freak. They took it up after the test like mature adults.

what a dick, bet you felt great, did you make him cry!?!

Good "shoot first and ask questions later" attitude.

ah poor kid! how sad! let's hope u let him re-take it!

trublu2 0

You should kill yourself. There is such thing as a warning you know.

cheshirecat5 0

woow your cool. maybe you should have taken the note first? try that next time instead of scaring the poor kid.

raithex 0

Wow... The poor kid.. :( you're an asshole, OP. You totally did it. Read the note first.