By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


Sunsbeenkind 0

React first, ask questions later...that's how teachers FAIL as humans. In other words, you ******* fail.

white_dark1063 0

Even if he WAS cheating you shouldn't have ripped up the test! You confiscate the cheat sheet and make a note on the grade sheet that they were cheating. YDI, definitely.

you don't rip up the cheat sheet, it's an automatic fail. does anyone go to school anymore? no matter what class you're taking if you have a paper out during a test and your caught that test is ****** and likely to end up in pieces. the only reason everyone on here is getting bent out of shape is because it had some bleeding-heart note instead of actual answers. you weaklings make me sick.

A ******* note from a kids mom isn't a cheat sheet dip shit.

And how are they supposed to know that? So if they're supposed to let those slide what about the kids that decide that since everyone can now have notes from their parents to write the answers on them? Sorry, but no slack should be given, the kid knew better, and if they didn't they sure won't make that mistake again on a test that actually matters.

VanillT30 0

Now you'll never be able to sleep with his mom! Way to be chill bro.. Way to be chill..

He shud have taken it out. But considering what was written on it.... A little patience and judgement would have served well. I agree about this being a top FML. You must feel like shit right now. And u deserve it.

Come on ppl its not that bad of an issue serously it was a mistake that he made as a temp, every student should know not to read a piece of paper in class... and fyi, i had my test wripped up before, becuz i was looking for a pen in my bag, but its about being safe... for the tutors part, nothing else

oooo god that sucks for the kid but yur so goin to hell haha jk :)

That was just too horrible! I hope you'll get a bad karma and write another FML next.

KyleIsSoFine 0

Don't assume if you don't know !