By sexisntfun - 30/03/2015 02:13 - United States

Today, I was about to lose my virginity to my girlfriend, with whom I am genuinely in love. Right after I'd got the condom on, she said, "You do know this is break-up sex, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 332
You deserved it 3 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you didnt have sex with her after that, right?

"Yes because obviously I can read your bitchy-ass mind." I'm real sorry, that's ******.


andro6657 10

You don't have to wear a condom for make up sex

On the bright side you still got to have sex, and now you don't have the need or pressure to make it mutually satisfying But why not give it your best shot anyways, so she will realize she made a mistake, a big big mistake

heyimrichie 11

What kind of a person has "breakup" sex with someone they haven't even had regular sex with?

pris0027 19

Break up sex!!? TF is that? What an idiot. Must have been a bummer to be told that, I'm sorry OP

You deserve a real woman, don't let some girl take you down.

Denny1988 19

man I hope you had sex with, hard and multiple times, leaving her wet and stick without looking back or saying anything to her, make sure she never forgets you