By thanks, my fellow americans - 18/04/2013 21:41 - United States - Woodlyn

Today, I was again turned down by a potential host family on a student exchange site. Their reasoning was basically that since I'm American, I might do something to endanger my health, get hurt, and then sue them over my own stupidity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 705
You deserved it 13 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments


but he was from America right? he just moved...

I wonder where the family is from. I'm assuming Europe somewhere, they seem to hate Americans more than other areas.

Inediblepeaches 15

Well... You *are* American...

Sucks when your privilege gets stomped on. Talk to every other race about discrimination, how are those Arabs and African Americans doing over there?

We're doing absolutely fine. Thank you.

Woosh* anyways, I'm talking about 60's discrimination of black people and post 9/11 discrimination of those from the Middle East. And yet Americans complain of being discriminated against.

There is not in country in this world that has never had problems with racial discrimination. And besides, what about black AMERICANS and Middle Eastern AMERICANS who want to travel overseas? Black people were never part of the anti-black racism in the 20th century. Being a black student, to say that I'm being discriminated against for being American is in no way hypocritical. Same goes for Middle Eastern Americans. You're also forgetting that America is not one person, but 312 million people, most of whom were not white southerners during segregation, and most of those who were are over themselves by now. In conclusion, just because someone lives in a country where racial discrimination used to be prevalent doesn't mean that they are free to be discriminated against.

"In conclusion, just because someone lives in a country where racial discrimination used to be prevalent doesn't mean that they are free to be discriminated against." I'm going to quote this again just because this is very true. One thing you see online from Germans who have visited the US is the complaint that some of the people joke about nazism. They complain and most people feel they are completely justified in doing so. Why? Because they are. Anyone who is treated unfairly has a right to be upset about it. The history of that country doesn't matter. And all countries see discrimination against smaller groups or groups from which some have committed terrorist acts. The US isn't the only western country where discrimination against arabs and middle easterners exploded after 9/11.

British courts once banned a mentally challenged man from having sex (beleive it or not).

K410 18

Pretty Ironic that the previous FML was about some idiot trying to do a trick on his bike and hurting himself lol

And that guy was from Bulgaria...

As an intelligent American, I too suffer the consequences of my fellow Americans' actions.

This is NOT what our founding fathers wanted.

Sometimes I feel like I need to apologize to the rest of the world on behalf of America.