By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 12:17 - Australia

Today, I was alone with a work acquaintance at lunch. A noise came from his pocket; he whipped out his iPod Touch and said "Sorry, I have to take this," before walking away with the iPod to his ear. Not only did he not want to talk to me, he thought I was stupid enough to confuse an iPod with a phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 710
You deserved it 14 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Also, the iPod Touch, when connected to a Wi-Fi signal, can act like a phone with programs like Skype.

Could of had the Skype app on an iPod Touch.


well obvious you ARE stupid since im assuming youve never seen a thing called the i-phone

U guys r idiots I hAvE the iPod touch and it DOESNT HVE A MOUTH PEICE u can't talk into it no matter what! N iPod touch skype or anything else doesn't ALERT u! U hve to be on the app! The calendar probably rang an he used it as an excuse...seriously don't talk about thngs u dnt no

Hmmm the only difference between an ipod touch and an iphone is that the ipod touch is not a phone and does not have a camera, so I find it hard to believe you could tell it was just an ipod was he pulled it from his pocket and put it to his ear.

CL41RE 0

What are you, 12? If you have the software 3.0 it DOES alert you, and you CAN talk into it using Bluetooth.

kibblesnbits1053 0

It was an iPhone, and what is an OP?

Leopard68231 0

ALL YOU GUYS ARE ******* IDIOTS. An iPod Touch doesn't have a camera and an iPhone does. That alone would be enough to tell. And the noise could be a timer. They have them on iPod Touches. OP-dont listen to all the knowitall idiots on here. Their stupid.

YDI for being paranoid. :/ Way to make yourself look stupid and paranoid.

It could have been Skype you stupid bitch

tifney737 0

uhhh if you heard it go off then chances are good it's an iPhone which is what I'm using now lol