By myparentsarehoes - 03/08/2009 16:33 - Canada

Today, I was at a bar with my friends for my 19th birthday when I saw my dad grinding some chick that was not my mom. I confronted him and told him I was telling mom. He then pointed across the bar to my mom with another man. I just found out my parents are swingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 326
You deserved it 5 767

Same thing different taste


selenes 0

and your parents had no problem at all with the fact that you were in a bar at age 19? seriously.

OP lives in Canada, not the USA. Reading Comprehension - Use it.

plutosaplanet 0

seriously. she lives in canada. they are legally able to drink at that age. seriously

selenes 0

yeah. since i live in america, i'm suddenly going to know the drinking age of canadians. it was an honest mistake, get over it. so bitchy.

HahaYDI 0

YOU'RE pretty stupid* Dumb ass.

Canada's your neighbouring country. Should be common knowledge.

Yeah, great excuse. You're allowed to think the whole world is exactly like the US because you live there. Idiot.

Seeing as the internet is kind of, you know, NOT American maybe just don't just jump to conclusions when the information is posted right there.

It's also ignorant saying you hate all Americans with only one comment to back up you're theory.. I'm Canadian and not all Americans are like that.

actlikeyouknow 0

#37, uhm, I'm American and I know the age restrictions for other countries, along with other information about them. Not all Americans are ignorant, but you sure sound that way.

mj2123 0

Clearly a few ignorant statements are representative of all Americans. You sound just as ignorant as you're accusing us of being.

JukeboxBunny 0

Wow so it's not ignorant to judge ALL Americans by one person's comment? I live in the US and know the drinking age of Canada and a lot of other countries. Oh, and notice that's countrIEs, not countrYs.

Very good point (question) # 57/pimpin88! To many unanswered questions to decide what to click on this one (like so many other FMLS). But even if they are swingers, that doesn't mean it's a problem for the OP, just something she has to accept. She didn't find out before running into them at the bar, so they're obviously descrete about it.

ABbaby 10

congrats...u just made urself sound like the biggest idiot here w/being ignorant urself then spelling countries as countrys Dumbass go die

softbonez 0

So she gets a drinking age wrong and suddenly all Americans think they know everything? ****, what the **** is your problem? You're the exact thing you're accusing Americans of being. Ignorant.

To start this off: I'm Canadian, and proud of it. There are CERTAIN Americans that bother me; the ones who are all high and mighty (You ALL know the stereotype and the things the stereotype does; think Canada's covered in snow and Canadians live in igloos, try to pay in American money because "it's the only money that matters", etc), but most don't. My grandmother was born in the US (rural New York), so I know that not all Americans are asses. I also have a (baptist) friend who was born in Georgia, parents from Arkansas, and know that the stereotype that all Southern-born Americans are incest hicks, is very false. I get bothered by pushy American tourists who assume things should be just like the US when they are on vacation, and even more bothered when some assume that Canadians live in igloos, drive dog-sleds, and have snow year-round. Another thing that bothers me is the whole "aboot" instead of "about" thing. We say "about", just like everyone else. It's only the accent on the East coast that sounds similar to "aboot". I also strongly dislike Canadians who are ignorant to Americans/who hate Americans because of the stereotype. Sometimes I wish that both the ignorant Americans and ignorant Canadians would just roll over and die, because then we wouldn't be having this discussion. BTW: Drinking age is 19 in all provinces except Quebec, which is 18. (As far as I'm aware)

FMLable 0

It's also eighteen in Alberta, and I believe Manitoba as well.

Ok, I stand corrected. Quebec was the only one I knew about for sure. But thanks for letting me know #141. (Although it's much easier for me to go to Quebec than Alberta or Manitoba, considering I live in Southern Ontario and the Quebec boarder is only a 5 hour drive rather than nearly 3 days...)

FMLable 0

I'm Canadian, and I know America's drinking age. You just seem ignorant.

news flash, canadians are also americans. so are mexicans, brazilians, colombians, etc. america is the WHOLE area from canada down to argentina. you dumb ****

Now, I don't think it's "sick" and "gross" .... and don't necessarily find it an incredibly OMG HORRIBLE thing... I find it kind of whorish, but, these days, what isn't? Hurr, and it's not like they're kids/teens either, so definitely not so bad. But... it sort of seems to me that if you really love somebody, you'd only want to be with them, not others. Maybe a three-foursome for some kink every blue moon, but as a general rule it's your partner who attracts you, not others. Dunno, if my partner was a swinger or wanted multiple people in the bed most of the time, it would hurt my feelings, like they thought I wasn't good enough for them. And I wouldn't do it to them. Maybe I'm just a traditionalist or a romantic [shrugs] And, though this is merely just a possible reason, maybe their relationships are strong because their partner is too loose? Because most certainly I'm sure a lot of guys/girls would love it if their partner said "Nah, it's cool, you can sleep with whoever you want ever, babe, not just me" - and note, I said love IT, not THEM (the partner). Kind of liiiike... Saying a cat belongs to you and loves you most when everyone else feeds it too. But that's just a mere probability, and of course none of your friends are going to admit that's true if that's how they feel (that their partner is just a pawn), so it doesn't really matter. And of course, as for the OP, nobody REALLY wants to know about their parents' sex life, period.

Ah, and, I'm not trying to say they ALWAYS want to be with different people. I know that, or at least would think that would be the case if they married someone, especially with children. I'm just saying really I wouldn't try it myself and it would still hurt my feelings if my partner wanted to try others instead. Why marry me in the first place!? "You can too" just wouldn't cut it for me. :c It's just me though. Anyone who would think it's inherently gross/sick or bad sort of is a prude, yeah. And immature, I mean the gross/sick part... because lol sex omg how groosss

mj2123 0

@27 - I'm American and know that the drinking age in Canada is either 18 or 19 (depends on what part of the country you're in). The United States has one of the oldest drinking ages in the world. @41 - So, what are we supposed to call ourselves? United Statsians? There's no other easily pronounceable way of identifying ourselves as being from the United States. Get over it.

#46, You could call yourself a 'member of the United States of America', or if you'd prefer to shorten it a 'member of the US of A'.

#73 - that makes no sense. but ya its really ignorant of you #14 because I'm Canadian and I definitely know the drinking ages in the States. Just saying

imtheman920 0

Whats the drinking age in Mexico then? Since it borders the US. Don't cheat and look it up.

When I read that they were 19 and in Canada I was wondering how long it would take before some moron made the under 21 comment...sadly it took less time than I expected.

arienh4 0

Canada: 18 or 19. America: 21. Mexico: 18. The Netherlands: 16. I'm Dutch. It is not hard.

Yes, I agree, but one shouldn't automatically assume that the OP is from the same country they are; which seems to be that people think that they are in the US because the MAJORITY of people on here are from the US.

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. So don't come to us and say that we're the one with the bad manners, because clearly you just don't ******* get it.

DeadMansCrack 4

Calm down everyone. God, she made a mistake. Leave her alone, she doesn't need several people correcting her. OP, it sucks that you had to find out this way.

Iloveyencheck 0

yeah seriously people calm down I don't know the drinking age in Canada either

selenes 0

mhmm. all of you have to act like major pricks just because i don't happen to know canadian's drinking age from the top of my head. i'm not planning on going to canada anytime soon. so how should i know that?!

LittleMel4 0
paks7 0

well other than the fact that pretty much everyone has already pointed out that it is common knowledge what canada's drinking age is...and it really, really is...instead of saying something stupid like you did, did you ever think to maybe just look it up? if i read something that sounds funny to me, im not going to automatically correct it and assume im right.

DeadMansCrack 4

Well, if you're talking to me too, I already knew the drinking age for Canada. But people were giving her a hard time just for thinking that it was the same age that it is in the U.S.

@#41: If you haven't noticed, the majority of the world uses Americans to describe people who live in the United States, Canadians to describe people who live in Canada, Mexicans to describe people who live in Mexico, and so on. Americans is taken from the name of our country, the United States of AMERICA, which is often shortened in common speech to America. Most people, when referring to the continent, use North Americans or South Americans, or specify with the word "continent." Therefore, it is completely ridiculous to call someone a dumb **** for using an extremely common and correct term. If you doubt its correctness and frequency of use, refer to multiple presidents of the US, and their well-known opening line "My fellow Americans." Next time, get your facts straight before calling someone a dumb **** without proper justification. EDIT: Waiting for someone to say "wow moroon no1 reeds shit ovir 3 lynes long. git a lyfe"

exactly. That's like asking me from CANADA to name all your states and all the previous presidents. Not interested. is not going to happen.

I know it sounds technically correct, but it is not.

AA357 0

allmidnighteyes - **** yeah! your picture and bio are both great. brand new + AJJ= yesss

XxDancerGirlxX 17
hebron77 0

Oh no, I don't know Canada's gun laws either. I'm sooooooo stupid. Gosh people, maybe he was actually reading the fml instead of reading all about where she/he's from. And seeing as the two leaders of the computer market are based in the US, I think we have at least some claim to the Internet. Gosh, some people on here will get all psycho for the smallest thing. Chill.

hebron77 0

Well, seeing as most of the people we seeing posting on the Internet are indeed from the US, it becomes something we expect, it's common psychology, guess you didn't know.

Americans are so self centred. We as Canadians know your drinking age.. So stfu

kattylizbeth 19

You're kidding me right, number 40? The CONTINENT of North America isn't all American. You have got to be really ignorant to think that. You seriously sound like you didn't go to school past second grade, so congrats on being a TOTAL numbnut!

Everyone overreacted a bit, but it would be good to know certain facts about different countries. And isn't the drinking age like 18 in every other country but the United States? I know it is in most European countries at least.

So Russians are Asians? No they are Russian, it doesn't work like that

I don't think I'd ever swing. One person at a time, please.

mrodrigu7 1

#12 = unnecessary. but fyl OP, that's a bad way to find that out...

Shizden 0

14, drinking ages differ in countries. Canada's drinking age is 19.

cssb08 0

Or 18 depending what province you're in.

fmylife_username 0

actually its 18 in belgium now, all EU countries are required to have the same drinking age. same goes for france, germany, spain, etc, etc.. you fail Edit: or it should be anyway

And in India no matter what age you are your mom will always slap you!! LOL!!

visage 0

Way to be a bitch and assume the worst. YDI forcthat very reason... who the f are you to judge?

Oh come on, if you saw your dad grinding some random chick would you be like "oh it's no big deal, he's probably just a swinger"? No, you wouldn't, the OP isn't a judgmental bitch at all, any sane person would have done the same thing.

The fact your parents were able to raise you to age 19 without you ever knowing or suspecting they are swingers, means that they are good parents who do not get their personal sexual preferences get in the way of parenting or corrupting a child. Or would you rather have known they are swingers from age 10? They raised you well, and they have the right to have some fun in their own life, the way they see fit. And now that you are an adult, you can handle knowing that. Yes, that's not the best way to find out, but they probably were waiting till you an adult to begin with, and its just an unlucky coincidence you found it out on exactly the same day. Look at the bright side -- they are less likely to be judgmental about your own dating habits. So live and let live.

SaturnE_fml 0

She was an adult at 18 (again, it's Canada), I doubt they were waiting until she was drinking age to tell her they swing. That's like your mom telling you she likes anal just because you're an adult. You may find out, they may even tell you, but I don't think they plan on it. "Corrupting" a child? Swinging is normal and healthy, especially in the 30-40 yr old crowd with children old enough to be self-sufficient. She would probably have a whole lot less problems with her parents' sexuality, and you wouldn't have such strange views of sexuality, if people weren't hiding these things. So what, they have a few "close" friends over and people hug, the kid goes to bed, and they're still visiting in the morning. In your parents room. If you're exposed to it early, you'll accept it as normal. No corruption, just because your parents are married doesn't mean you want to be. Just because they swing does not mean you will. And so what if it does tilt your perspective?!

hebron77 0

Your post and the turtle post are the best things I've seen on here.

hebron77 0

183, I think you responded to the wrong comment, just my opinion, I don't want to offend with my suggestion. Offending people is a sin punishable by death these days.

This is why I hate Americans. They think the whole world is just like them. And they know nothing about other countrys, so ignorant.

You can't judge all of America because of a few people. How would you like if I judged you based on your country?

LittleMel4 0

Um, I don't see the big deal. Also how do you know they are "swingers" how do you know they aren't poly or in an open relationship. There are differences and you should really educate yourself before assuming. Also to the people who think it's "sick" or "gross". Consider this; two of my closest friends have been married almost 14 years and are poly. Compared to my other friend's relationships they have one of the strongest. They also have two of the sweetest most well adjusted (not to mention there daughter is the most mature 14 year old I know) kids around

xXToxicPenguinXx 12

its finding out that way is awkward. i mean who wants to celebrate their birthday and see their parents doing something like that