By bpruitt95 - 31/12/2012 06:46 - United States - Pitkin

Today, I was at a party. Everyone was drunk, and I happened to overhear someone say, "Where's that guy in the black jacket? I'm going to beat his ass!" I wouldn't have thought anything of it, had I not been the only one wearing a black jacket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 488
You deserved it 3 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since everyone was drunk, remove the black jacket and pretend like someone else.

Ask your neighboring drunk buddy and tell him he looks cold and that you feel like being nice and let him borrow your jacket.


The only one at a party with a black jacket? Wow, must of been a Toga party!

thetguy 4

No shit! I was at that party! Hahaha I'm from Louisiana and this dude jumped all over this guy in a black jacket and I tried so hard not to laugh, sorry man!

Meesersuperman1 4

So just take the jacket off and stealthily carry it.

Incognito23 15
eengler 5

I'd be tossing that black jacket in the bushes somewhere and joining in on trying to find the guy.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day! Lolol " I'm gunna beat his ass!"

im still wondering if there was an ass beating

icepick23 12

Take off the jacket, roll up your sleeves and run like hell! Run!