By wowimdumb - 30/01/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, I was at a power lifting meet when a girl I really liked walked in. Trying to impress her, I increased my bench to 350, when I have only done 300 before. She then watched me drop it on my chest, breaking my breast bone, and also crying in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 459
You deserved it 70 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats sucks but you deserve it, but isn't 300 impressive enough

Burukasai 17


How ****** prehistoric is that... look I have big muscles I can protect you... -_-"

350 is a HUGE jump from 300. idiot. side note: 315 looks a lot more impressive. just three fortyfives, large and incharge. that is the weight to do to impress the ladies.

lol2034 2

you should always have a spotter! especially with a weight that heavy! 300 is impressive enough!

TickleMeTroy 1

Honestly, sounds like you really dont weight train. Any one person who lifts knows thats suicide. i only bench 175 but I weigh 160, I think its impressive considering its more then I weigh. My question though is where was your spotter? If your a "power weight trainer" shouldent you know most of all you would need a spotter to help, even when you increased your max by fifty pounds?

wow, some people are ignorant. I know a guy that weighs 180 pounds and benches 405...I know another guy around 220 that benches's entirely possible to do more weight than you have seen. record holders bench in the 600+ area...high school seniors at my school are breaking 350. it's definitely not unheard of.

98, the only thing he forgot to include was the thought of how many people were helping you.

ManderPandaa12 0
brt3420 13

if I saw some guy benching 300 I'd walk the **** away. I bench 170 and I hardly go to the gym but that's just over double so holy **** props bro but adding an extra 350 won't help