By Mason_Jayson - 22/03/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was at a sandwich shop and couldn't help but secretly remove a loose hair from a girl standing in front of me. I yanked it and she instantly began screaming and crying. It was in fact a very long mole hair. The thing started bleeding like a gunshot wound. My apologies went unnoticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 864
You deserved it 168 643

Mason_Jayson tells us more.

This is my FML. In my UNDESERVED defense...I do have a little OCD, I work in healthcare and automatically want to help when I see something like that, and there may have been a few beers involved. I'm not a pervert and have never done anything like that before (and you had better believe since). And for those who are curious: the mole was on her shoulder and the hair I touched was down by her shoulderbladeish area. This sucker was LONG.

Top comments

Which is why you never, ever let your OCD take control when in public.

xjbearx 0

while that really sucks for you, i gotta say. you just don't do stuff like that to strangers.


i just got a boner. jk HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA owned. hairy mole!!!!!!! mole!!!!!MOLE!!!MOLE!!!!!!!!mole mole!MOLE! this almost beats the FML where the girl bit her boyfriends neck pimple

DelSDelT 0

If someone has mole hair that long, it needs to be ripped out. You really shouldn't have done it to a stranger, but you probably did her a favour. Maybe the mole will be removed or just become a scar, which I would think is far less gross. Everyone has a few scars.

This is my FML. In my UNDESERVED defense...I do have a little OCD, I work in healthcare and automatically want to help when I see something like that, and there may have been a few beers involved. I'm not a pervert and have never done anything like that before (and you had better believe since). And for those who are curious: the mole was on her shoulder and the hair I touched was down by her shoulderbladeish area. This sucker was LONG.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I understand, I pull stray hairs off of the sweaters and stuff of other people. OCD as well... so I feel ya'.

Stop saying you have OCD all the time. It's like saying 'after my shift at work, I saw dirt on the floor and felt the need to clean it up. But it's okay, I have OCD.' This is NOT OCD! OCD is way more extreme, and you guys just feel like you want to do something but it's easy to restrain yourselves. Stop auto-diagnosing, you're failing. Seriously, US citizens saying they have OCD all the time is annoying as hell.

krs7g4 8

Oh, really? It's only annoying when US citizens do it. Sure.

I can relate OP... I have OCD also... I do that a lot, too... And... Well... You could say my OCD is a little more severe... But I totally understand.... :) As for mole girl? I feel really bad for her... Poor thing didn't even know it was comin'.

SailorSolaris 43

My roommate has diagnosed OCD and she does this too. It might just be mild OCD for those who do it.

I understand where you're coming from. #350 I have diagnosed OCD by more than one professional and it gets on my nerves when people say "oh I'm so OCD about this thing" like that isn't the real definition of OCD that's just wanting an excuse to complain about something

I have actual diagnosed OCD and I do that. I take medication for it and I STILL do it. It's not just a made up thing. It's an actual symptom. So **** off.

You sure know how to make fun of a neurological disorder. Way to be a dick.


i disagree. most of us litterally cant control ourselves. if we dont do what our body or mind is telling us to do then we wont stop thinking about it. its like constantly going atound in our head. so i hate when people like you tell us that we dont have something we know we have. you dont know us so you cant just state that were not OCD!

hahahaha this really made me laugh. favorite.

Someone explain to me what a mole hair and OCD is, please. I'm not a native english speaker.

Caligatifraniqua 10

OCD is Obsessive compulsive disorder and a mole hair is a hair on a mole it's a brown growth on you're body that usually is kinda hairy

starshine3987 0

Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHA. That's the funniest thing ever. That girl should have at least kept that thing trimmed if plucking it made it do that. It had to have been waaaayyyy to long if someone behind her was able to pull it and not see where it was coming from. In a way she deserved it, though I'd tell people they have stray hairs instead of just pulling them. If they see you with your hand moving toward them it could get awkward.

starshine3987 0

Oh, and a mole hair is a hair that grows out of a mole. A mole is one of those dark raised spots people get on their skin and when they are really big hair may grow out. OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder, where people have to do things physically and can't help it like say something 5 times or wash their hands a certain number of times or touch something every time they walk in a rooms ect. It usually makes no sense what they do except to them.

justjayit 0

Dude, just keep your hands to yourself. It would've been awkward if she noticed, OCD or not.

oceanxcity 0

ROFL #75. omg this one's gross. but funny. LOL