By shitpile - 06/08/2010 18:09 - United States

Today, I was at a water park with my family. While on the 100ft slide, my father decided it would be a great idea to pants me. I slipped and went down the 100ft slide naked for everyone to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 492
You deserved it 4 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

x805xUnknown 6

Good family structure. It's nice to know Dads these days expose their kids for the world too see.


oarisimo 4
Rianebabe0502 0

well maybe if you were a sexy guy you wouldent have felt so embaresed so work out and get some plastic surgery then you'll want to be naked everywhere :D

Rianebabe0502 0
Luunatic 13

He only did if because he loves you... no wait... nvm

your DAD pantsted you?!?! what the hell?

mandypandy11 0

i avree too, im 17 and im very close to my parents so people need to grow up, ur parents are the ones that took care of you your whole life and you treatthem like trash. grow the **** up.

scuba113 2

that's mest up but funny as hell

sammehsaurus 0

haha wow! really? :o no shit -_-' I was more interested in the grammar fail.