By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I was at lunch with my girlfriend. The waitress came up and asked for her number, then asked if she had a significant other. I laughed as my girlfriend gave the waitress her number. They're going on a date, tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 817
You deserved it 7 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ZielZone 4

News FLASH... She isn't your girlfriend!!

DDbaconcrazy 1

So ur girlfriend is a lesbian?

Hacker016 0

Do u have any of her belongings? Burn them!!

iBiteRoses 22

And this is an FML... how? Hel-LO, threesome!

tEeNaGeRs_fml 0

I think it's time for a new girlfriend!