By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I was at lunch with my girlfriend. The waitress came up and asked for her number, then asked if she had a significant other. I laughed as my girlfriend gave the waitress her number. They're going on a date, tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 817
You deserved it 7 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I guess that makes you her "insignificant other." The good news is the waitress and your girlfriend are looking for hot threesome action. The bad news is that is with yet another chick. Three Girls, Two Blue Balls

girlygirl666 0

Oh c'mon plexico! You know no one has balls on FML. Only "happy sacks";))

And I feel so inadequate that I have but one happy sack. It contains both balls. Do some guys have one sack per ball, or are they lugging around four or more balls?

Probably means you haven't been dating long enough for her to consider you her boyfriend. Or the date was just that bad. Move on brosef..

1. Are you sure she's your girlfriend? 2. No, really, are you sure it's mutual? If you answered yes to these two things, why aren't you talking to your girl to find out what she's doing. From what little information is provided, here is what I think the situation is: You took her on a few dates, maybe even a lot of dates. You assumed it was implied, that you would be exclusive. From her perspective, it seems like she's been waiting a while for you to ask her to take it to the next level. So she prodded you in the restaurant. So again, I ask, does she know she's your girlfriend?

icantellu 7

I'm telling you THREESOME is just calling your name!!

seminoles82 0

This post screams for a threesome...or at least some quality is this a FML? You deserve this, and that's not a bad thing.

So they're going on a date, big deal. You make it sound like it's the end of the world. When it comes to it, she might not like the date after all. You'll never know until it happens. Or if it means so much to you, then why don't you talk to her about it. Either way, I doubt whining is gonna help.

did u say girlfriend and waitress, 2 girls, not thats there's anything wrng with it but u got dumped by ur girl for another girl

Are you sure SHE considers herself your girlfriend? And have you ever discussed being exclusive or not? It not, YDI.