By jackelking - 25/05/2009 08:33 - United States

Today, I was at my friends' farm and we decided that we wanted to go to their old treehouse. When we got down there, it turned out my friend Cat had forgotten her shoes. Being a gentleman, I lent her my sandals. I then climbed the treehouse, fell out, and got a nail through my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 056
You deserved it 6 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The sandal wouldn't have stopped the nail, anyway.

Colleennn1579 0

At least you were a gentleman(:


Having the sandals wouldnt have stoped the nails anyways. SO YDI

the sandals actually would have been worse cause then the sandals would be stuck to your foot, you actually lucked out by not having shoes on

soalone_fml 0

Actually, a few years ago, my dad was working on my aunt's roof after it got ****** up from a hurricane (she lives in Florida), and he was wearing sneakers, and stepped on three nails. They all went through the shoes and into his foot. Thing is, the doctors at the ER weren't worried about tetanus (though they gave him a shot anyway). They were worried about the fungus from the shoe. So in a way, you kinda got off lucky, 'cause sandals wouldn't have really helped anyway.

australiaaaa 0

#48, you dont have to be an 'inbred hillbilly' to walk around barefoot. i live in suburbs, not even on a farm, and i walk around barefoot ALL the time. its just easier than shoes

The sandal wouldnt have helped anyway.. so at least you were being nice

#48; Wtf? I walk around barefoot all the time. Especially in the summer months, where there's no point in wearing shoes.

i think acupuncture it used with little needles my friendxD

Actually, it depends on whether the nail was sticking up or not if the sandal would've helped.

Aristai 0

At least you were a gentleman, and you seem to be doing well enough to have written this fml. She will forever remember you as being gentlemanly enough to take a nail in the foot for her.

There is no way you deserve that. I bet your friend feels bad though. Hope you feel better. Make sure it doesn't get infected.