By jackelking - 25/05/2009 08:33 - United States

Today, I was at my friends' farm and we decided that we wanted to go to their old treehouse. When we got down there, it turned out my friend Cat had forgotten her shoes. Being a gentleman, I lent her my sandals. I then climbed the treehouse, fell out, and got a nail through my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 056
You deserved it 6 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The sandal wouldn't have stopped the nail, anyway.

Colleennn1579 0

At least you were a gentleman(:


poison29 0

yes, sandals would not have protected you from falling onto a nail.

poison29 0

also, #43, i know lots of people have said that, but unlike you, most people just scan comments instead of reading them religiously. so i reiterate : ) and #37 - how would sandals protect you from slipping? don't you think bare feet have more traction when you're climbing?

fullownageohgeez 0

Ouch that mustve hurt, but has happened to me i feel your pain...also my friends are about as crazii as yours probably...

sbarre1 0

On the bright side, I doubt your sandals would have helped. In fact, it would have probably been worse. Somehow.

#3's right, a sandal would've done jack shit for your foot, so at least you were gentlemenly :D but ooo, make sure you get a tetnus (sp?) booster if you haven't had one recently

Ouchers! Major sympathies! If it helps, if you had been wearing your sandals, they would have a hole in them too. They were saved from harm by your chivalrous deed.

yeah pretty sure the nail would have gone through your foot anyway...that really sucks though I'm sorry

Neottia 0

That must be terribly painful. No good deed goes unpunished.

Umm. No offense. But even if you hadn't given her your shoes... when you fell on it... it would of gone through your sandal.. lol

How nice of you! But yeah, sandals would not be enough to protect your feet