By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 08:28 - United States

Today, I was at the grocery store with my dad. He let out a very silent but foul abomination of a fart. The people behind us started gagging, so he turned, pointed at me and said "That was my daughter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 159
You deserved it 3 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He beat you to it. Should've said "Ew, gross Dad!"

perdix 29

"Thanks for trying to cover it up, Dad, but I queefed!" Nobody would believe your denial, so making it grosser is the way to go.


Take a crap in the middle of the aisle then go to the store manager tell him your dad couldn't control himself. After that your dad will have a new meaning for "clean up in aisle 4"

whisperingeye13 0

this is the funniest comment I have ever seen on this site.

mintcar 9

So? You will never see these people ever again. live in a very small town in Ohio, then you're screwed because the schoo children will give you a horrible name and tease you UNTIL YOU DIE!


Hey now, why does it have to be Ohio?

mintcar 9

Because the OP lives in Ohio?

SmallTownCutie 0

*gasp* I live in an extremely small town in ohio!

That's the point where you take off into a mad sprint and chortle joyously at the thought that you'll likely never see those people ever again.

kingtz 6

+5 internets too the dad if the OP is actually pretty! lol

if I have a daughter when I get older this will defiantly be on my list of pranks

TropicalTulipz 0

im pretty sure it works for sons as well as daughterss

I would've said I get it from my dad Then made up a story of how he laid one an knocked someone out "it might happen now. I'd run! Hopefully they would