By WasntMe - 17/07/2013 23:15 - United States

Today, I was at the park playing Frisbee with my friends, when I saw a boy sitting on a bench looking rather sad. "Hey!" I yelled, and he looked up at me. I lightly threw the Frisbee in his direction, and it hit him in the face. He was blind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 700
You deserved it 18 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatdangmexican 18

Not your fault. There's no way you could've know.


It was an honest mistake OP, it's not as though you threw the frisbee at him knowing he couldn't see it. Don't beat yourself up too much, a lot of people wouldn't even make that kind of effort with someone who is blind or they didn't know.

summerguy97 16

It would have been bad enough that your frisbee hit him square in the face, but now you also have to deal with the fact he was blind. That's quite a pickle you've gotten yourself into, OP.

As long as OP went over and explained the situation and apologises and makes sure the guy's okay, then there's no need for OP to beat herself up about it.

Your effort is appreciated. Too bad you couldn't have known.

It's still a conversation starter! Talk to him :)

You threw the frisbee lightly. So at least it didn't smack his face hard.

cottoncandymango 17

I bet he wondered why the frisbee was getting bigger... And then it hit him.

CharresBarkrey 15 this real? Did you seriously just make that "joke?"

Normally the white cane or dog is a tell because I don't see a blind kid sitting all by himself.

Yes because most of those canes don't fold up and everyone who takes a dog to the park must be blind.

IGaveRickUp 15

Yeah. It would just be wild and crazy to take a dog out for a walk, without any sight problem.

Elfkid21 19

I'm blind and the last time I took my seeing-eye dog for a walk in the park, he chewed through his leash and ran away.... = I can't be 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure I got a look of weird looks from a bunch of people when I was walking around yelling "Slimy" (my dog's name is/was slimy. my little sister named it)

TheDrifter 23

There's a blind girl who's always at my local off leash park whose dog loves to play catch. It's only half trained and tends to abandon her when it sees a Frisbee.

A. What guide dog school did you go to? That dog should have been a drop out long before he was given out. B. What guide dog school let's people name their own guide dogs? Most schools have a pool of names, and each litter of bread uppies is assigned a letter grouping. I know this because A. I am legally blind. B. My girlfriend has a guide dog. C. My girlfriend worked for a Guide Dog school for 3 years. Sorry, I'm calling BS on your entire comment, #54. Please do respond though, I would love to know what guide dog school you were at.

If I was sad, I definitely wouldn't want frisbee's being thrown at me.

Elfkid21 19

Thank you, for letting the world know that when you're sad, everyone is to leave you to wallow in self pity, and NO ONE is to make any attempts to cheer you up!well, "give them what they ask for", right?

monnanon 13

jeez 53 who pissed in your cereal? i wouldnt want frisbees thrown at me either if i was just sitting quietly on my own in the park.

xStaciexLynnx 15

That's exactly what I was thinking. If I was upset and someone threw a frisbee at me, I'd throw it back and move to a place away from the frisbee game. Plus if you're sitting on a park bench alone relaxing you will probably look sad because it would be awkward to be sitting there smiling at nothing.

audreyfml1994 15

Well, he certainly didn't see that coming, but neither could you. Accidents happen, OP.

kaylaleighox 7