By WasntMe - 17/07/2013 23:15 - United States

Today, I was at the park playing Frisbee with my friends, when I saw a boy sitting on a bench looking rather sad. "Hey!" I yelled, and he looked up at me. I lightly threw the Frisbee in his direction, and it hit him in the face. He was blind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 700
You deserved it 18 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatdangmexican 18

Not your fault. There's no way you could've know.


I laughed pretty hard.. but at least your intentions were good!

aw you didnt know. At least you tried :)

Funnyguyproblems 1

To be fair, that guy was just trying to brighten up a kid's day.

WellThen0lo 7

It's okay, you were just trying to be a good person

Sometimes it's hard to identify someone as blind. If he had a cane, it could have been folded. in that case op Wouldn't know.