By Embarressed... - 04/08/2010 10:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I was babysitting for my mum's friend. I put her little boy on my knee, and he kept pulling at my top. I asked him "are you hungry?" He replied "No, I want to see your titties." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 586
You deserved it 11 336

Same thing different taste


TheDude42 0

perverted already :O at that young of a age.

jessisababeeee 0
ladyvader401 5

Why do so many people think the OP deserved it? Little confused on that...

Islander_fml 5

Lol, when I was three years old, I had a babysitter, and I touched her breasts quite a bit, and she told my parents, and they scolded me. :D

How old is this kid? I mean, if he's like three....why are you asking him if he's hungry? He's kinda passed the breast milk phase. And, if he's really young--like 2--and just knows how to talk earlier than other kids, well, it most like wasn't sexual and he was just curious. He'd probably heard it from a movie of something...

Chipi427 0

I agree with everyone about #6. In fact, #6, how about babysitting me tonight? xD

fml22221 0

can't blame the kid for trieng