By Mik - 08/06/2011 03:05 - United States

Today, I was bored. Some people would've called up friends to hang out. Not me. I had the sudden urge to make an entire Excel Spreadsheet on how much I've spent on iTunes, month-by-month. I'm not sure what's worse, that I got really into it, or that I've spent nearly $800.00 on iTunes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 135
You deserved it 32 200

Same thing different taste


lolol I can c why it's really addicting to buy stuff on iTunes...

Bit torrent junkie. People need to learn how to get their media.

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

I actually enjoy support the bands that I like, so I'll stick to iTunes.

Most artists signed to big labels don't make any money off of music sales. They make money off of merch and tours. But nice try.

I have 1,226 songs on iTunes. How much money is that?

CateXOX 0

14- How many songs you have is irrelevant to the FML. 94- Not if some of them were on albums.

dumbass...also I don't see how this is an FML

I would do the spreadsheet thing... but I wouldn't spend $800 on iTunes....

BLoDo7 0

that makes you more of a loser than OP.

The $800 for sure...... I don't know anyone who would do that mostly because we've moved on to better things.

You totally could have downloaded all that music for free. YTDI

RyanX92 0

personally I jailbreak my iPod thus I get free games I use to use limewire but that got shut down so now I use frostwire lol

limewire and frostwire both suck, just get utorrent and bit Che and your good to go.

MuffyStJacques 0

Hopefully it was money spent on great music.