By Mik - 08/06/2011 03:05 - United States

Today, I was bored. Some people would've called up friends to hang out. Not me. I had the sudden urge to make an entire Excel Spreadsheet on how much I've spent on iTunes, month-by-month. I'm not sure what's worse, that I got really into it, or that I've spent nearly $800.00 on iTunes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 135
You deserved it 32 200

Same thing different taste


ViciousFoxes 0

"Today, I spent my time doing something I clearly wanted to do, and then I wrote an fml about it because I realized my interests would seem really lame and pathetic to anyone with a life. FML."

Somebody at least give this man a video converter website

aliceisbored 11

Sounds like you're having a fun summer. (:

perdix 29

My vote is that it is worse that you really got into it. It's not hard to spend $800 on iTunes. I just hope you didn't buy too many songs that you began to hate after only a few plays (eg, anything by the Jonas Brothers.)

Zombieslayer1 0

Or Justin Bieber, or Hannah Montana, or Glee songs, or....well, you get my drift.

To people suggesting torrents and video converters: This person could have an iPhone or iPod touch and could be getting free music already. This could easily be $800 of games and apps.

Don't worry, whenever I take a lot of Adderall I'm just like this.

ViciousFoxes 0

Yeah, I guess it's only sad if OP wasn't on drugs.

$800 on Itunes when you coulda gotten them for free?? Dude, its cool your supporting your music artists but seriously that much money? i spent maybe like $80 on music i like, just to support the artists and thats like 10% of my playlist filled with music and that 600 songs were mostly 90% free! But yea totally go outside..