By Anonymous - 22/05/2012 20:49 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I was browsing the web on my boyfriend's laptop, when I idly clicked a bookmark. It turned out to be his private blog, where he most recently spoke in very creepy detail about his efforts to make me love him, remarking that, "Soon, I'll plant my seed in her breeding hips." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 770
You deserved it 4 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Epikouros 31
GeeUnit 8

That's just oddly disturbing..


Shadow_Phantom 26

Yeah... that would be grounds for a breakup in my book, but your choice OP.

stepymac 15

Yeah , that kind of creepy!

FML_a_Must 7

Well he IS your boyfriend after all, you shouldve known what you were getting urself into, but hey atleast you know he won't leave you!

Yes, because all the times people's spouses/significant others become their murderers or turn out to be some serial killer is obvious to them, because you know everything about the person you are with.

rldrship 0

Wow that's just crazy talk right there. Do you someone to talk to hit me up if u want

Well, so much for the rape, ummm I mean "surprise sex".

GogoTheGreat 12

Get out while you still can!

reddudeover 2

Somehow I think if a girl wanted to have a kid with a guy, people would call him a coward if he wanted to "run away". It's a blog it has to be funny for it's readership! Oh FML ya big sillies.