By TheFlash - 22/06/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I was down at Disney World. Me and my buddy decided to take our pictures in a photobooth. While in the tiny space, I thought it'd be funny to flash the camera. A women barged in as soon as I did so, screaming "You know there's an outside video feed, right!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 387
You deserved it 65 575

Same thing different taste


vermillionlove 0

bwahaha :p i've done worse things in a photobooth.. :x luckily we hadn't paid yet so the video feed wasn't on.

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lmao that totally made my day! heheh

muffinsareyummy 1
PCT_fml 0

HAHAHAHA! How could you not know? But if it was a woman instead of a guy wtaching, he would've of said nothing and let you keep going. haha

im a chick and i think that is an EPIC WIN

Should of told her to stop being such a Puritanical prude and flashed her! Culture in America is soo backwards its ridiculous. Show all the Violence, guts, maiming, etc... you want at just about any venue, show a pair of breasts something that every woman on the planet has and you'll get complete outrage.

Who are you comparing America to? Europe? That's just how it works here. It's a cultural difference. We're allowed to have them. Plus, the screaming woman might've had her kids there. I've seen ****, but I don't NEED to see them. That's why there's laws about how you have to cover up in public.

Who cares if she had kids there you are making my point.

dude wtf... its not like that at all. have you even been to america? Its not even that violent the media only covers negative things and Disney world has a bunch of children around so the lady was trying to be appropriate she didnt want kids to be exposed to sex. Also im not saying flasing is bad, theres just a time and a place to do it. and **** you you have probably never been to america so dont criticize untill you visit asshole

I do live and always have lived in America and have always thought what I think now. Breasts may receive sexual attention but they are not a sexual organ. Also way to be ignorant I can have a negative opinion on this shitty country with still living here as I do not subscribe to the daily brainwashing that we live in the greatest country in the world.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you implying that boobs automatically equals sex?

Ok, where I live (Ontario, Canada) a law has been passed making it legal for women to be topless in public areas. Does anyone know why this law was passed? Because men are allowed to walk around in public areas topless. It's a simple matter of equality. I'm sure at a resort like Disney World there would have been thousands of men without shirts walking around without anyone giving it a second thought. While I know that this law is not in affect in the USA, I believe that it is something that can really make people think.

Actually DisneyWorld has a dress code, men must wear shirts at all times.

That is a cool fact. Thank you for informing me.

no im not saying boobs= sex but whatever im not trying to get in a fight darkon if you have a problem move or start your own country i dont give a **** what you do but just shut the hell up

also i never said americas the greatest country... there are obviously other countries who are less of a mess than we are

You're probably just mad because your depressed with image issues or some shit, so why don't you cease your ignorant drabble and go express your puritan views elsewhere.

look whos ******* talking...and trust me i dont have a problem guys seem to think i look good so i dont need to run off to europe to get some...unlike you but whatever i have better things to do then argue with you on some website so im out so have a great night... by yourself ;)

Lonely_lez are you seriously on drugs?? wtf are you talking about. Ok, where I live (Ontario, Canada) there is no such ridiculous law, making it legal for women to be topless in public areas. As happy as it would make me if there were such a law, but there isn’t ... do you know why? Because in Western culture the develop breast of a female is consider private, and is not acceptable to be shown in public areas. really must be a lonely lesbian

UncleverName_FYL, while I always enjoy being insulted and harassed about my sexuality, my facts are accurate. Try doing some research before you go running your mouth next time.

Lonely_lez, I still have yet to harass/insult you for your sexuality; but i am glad to hear that you would enjoy it, I’ll have to keep that in mind. I did a little research and it seems you are not on drug as I first assumed, my bad. I can’t see why any women would ever exercise such a right, or why they even fought for it to begin with. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for equality but this is ridiculous, a lot of feminist need to turn it down a knoch. Believe it or not males and females are not the same, not all rules can be applied to both genders equally. Btw this law is also in affect within other provinces and states, not just ontario.

Jazzywrites007 2

learn to spell notch. bitch.

I completely agree that there are differences. I for one would never exercise this right, nor would any of my friends I've asked. And yes, feminism on most fronts is slightly insane. However, I stand behind the law and anyone who chooses to exercise it.

So many people who don't understand what flashing is... Also, just throwing this out there, I've never seen a photo booth with a video feed?