By Anonymous - 11/11/2010 17:46 - United States

Today, I was drinking coffee out of my favorite mug, when it slipped out of my hand. I caught it, but not before most of the hot coffee spilled all over my lap. In reaction, I dropped the mug again, shattering it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 245
You deserved it 4 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spilled it on your lap? sounds hot ;D no really, that had to burn

What did we learn today? Iced coffee, bro.


your pic is of this one relatively famous black guy who was in prison or something like that so he be askin iffin you is free, I think.

Ouch, that has happened to me a few times. It really does suck. Sorry OP.

fylorydi1994 0

um yeah lil Wayne he came out of prison thursday.