By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 21:14 - United States

Today, I was driving to work. I saw a cute boy in the car next to me. To try and look cool, I pretended I was talking on my cell phone. I got pulled over and got a ticket for using my cell phone while driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 238
You deserved it 70 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

Since when does talking on a cellphone look cool? YDI!

perdix 29

Picking your nose would have looked cooler -- because it's not illegal.


devendra_fml 0

god, i would be so jealous if i saw someone talking on the cellphone! since i live in the 1980s, it's such a rare thing and a huge status symbol since barely anyone has one!

Or you could have just 'accidentally' bumped into him... Oh wait that would be an accident.

capthavoc123 0

You tried to look cool by using something that every single person in the country has and uses on a daily basis? Oh, wait. After taking a second look, I see that you're a girl from California. That explains it.

YDI for voting in liberals who take your freedoms away.

danceoo 0

god forbid the government tries to reduce the number of car accidents

Those darn liberals! How dare they try to make our roads safer!

I hope you realize it was a Republican governor that signed that bill into law.

That's funny... I thought it was the conservatives that were always preventing me from having any rights - like the ability to get married. Guess I was wrong.

theblazian 0

Well you are probably gay so to republicans you don't qualify as human! But don't worry maybe in time the power of christ will heal you and make you capable of joining society again!

How many people have died from text messaging while driving? Who knows? I do know 50,000 die in alcohol related car deaths a year. And you worry about text messaging, or talking on the phone? 395,000 more deaths than have occurred in Iraq/Afghanistan in 8 years. What a bunch of blind lemmings following their "representatives". Fortunately, you will all fall off the cliffs.

theblazian 0

I agree with Farside! **** safety at home until our troops are brought back home! Its not like a large amount of accidents happen because of people calling/texting while driving. You sheep may believe the "facts" and "statistics" but people like farside and I are far to smart to listen to logic.

aero_fml 0

You're taking away from the fact that texting is a distraction and driving distracted = fail in progress

Mx_Rider 6

if youre a blondy from socal california i would have totally pulled over waited till u got ur ticket and do u right then and there on the hood of your car on highway 66 :D

BlowYaMind 0

Haha Hmm well it could still have worked? he could have been thinking, "Oh Dang! That girl must be a BA for getting pulled over." :] Also, u can just use pick up lines? haha for example... "Manhole. I like that word. Manhole." (House Bunny)

hbgoddard 0

Women drivers!! When the **** will you learn?!?! /sarcasm /not really

using a cell phone isnt cool. almost everyone owns one. shoot some are free. you aren't special. cheers on getting a ticket :)

americayay 0

Agreed. Even if people don't think she's a moron for driving while talking on the phone, how's it COOL?