By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 21:14 - United States

Today, I was driving to work. I saw a cute boy in the car next to me. To try and look cool, I pretended I was talking on my cell phone. I got pulled over and got a ticket for using my cell phone while driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 238
You deserved it 70 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

Since when does talking on a cellphone look cool? YDI!

perdix 29

Picking your nose would have looked cooler -- because it's not illegal.


What the hell is co-zero-ol ? Please learn to spell :)

theonlyknownlink 0

Since when is talking on your phone attractive? Lol and #29 your comment made me LOL so hard. XD

I wish you would have gotten in an accident instead. your an idiot

ok how the **** does talking on a cell phone make you look cool?? this is the 21st century, bitch, cell phones stopped being "cool" a few years after it was invented! though the iPhone is still cool and will be for as long as I own one ;P

why do you think thats cool in any way?

YDI for not showing some ass and tities....

Asstazztic 8

agree with protwtf... I'd definitely hit u up if u made me feel comfortable ;)

Everyone above, stop being grammar Nazis. Just because something doesn't follow convention doesn't mean it is any less correct than any of you. We all know what he meant to say because of its context and follow up sentence: any pedantic drivel, regarding rules on sentences, is unnecessary and foolish on your part, you are not allowing language to progress and evolve.

You ******* deserved it, idiot. Why do you think using the phone while driving is cool? Because it's forbidden? Idiot idiot idiot!

Lol, the other day, I was playing my music and dancing quite a bit at the stoplight, then I look to my left and see two hot girls staring at me from the next car over. But it's okay, I don't have to try to look cool, I drive a stick ;)