By MJ3105 - 07/05/2009 11:36 - Israel

Today, I was eating at a restaurant patio with a few friends. After the waitress cleaned up our table there was a drop of mayonnaise on the table. I wiped it with my finger and licked it. It wasn’t mayo, it was bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 172
You deserved it 153 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youmakemyday_fml 0

ughh...why would you eat something that landed on the table anyway?? wouldn't you wipe it off with a napkin...

ozymandias_fml 0

You are a disgusting person. Even if it was mayo, that is disgusting. Who a) eats random condiments they find b) especially when splattered on a disgusting public table?


summersun 0

ew. just ew. why would you do that...

deaditegirl 0

YDI. Who eats off a table on a restaurant patio? That's just nasty. Double nasty because it's mayo.

Why the **** would you eat something off of the table? Did your brain not get enough oxygen while you were in the womb? YDI. Dumbass.

are you that much of a cow that you have to eat even what appears to be old mayo off of the table?

maedoc 0

look before you leap, my friend. besides, you don't know how sanitary that table is.

whats with people these days eating things that they find out in the open? have you guys ever heard of sanitation? or are you guys that cheap that you need to eat other people's leftovers, or pick up random shit that fell to the ground and finish it off?

USNA_Midshipman 0

If there is a breakout of Avian Flu in the US. I'll blame you.

Bird shit is generally brown, cream and green. How does one confuse it with mayo? Also, eating off any public table is disgusting. Why didn't you tell her that she missed a spot instead of just eating whatever you see that's left...?

starberries 0

The bird shit that lands on my car does look like mayo.