By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


brandnewxsquire 0

ydi. everyone known that. you're an idiot.

how did you not know that??? ive been a vegetarian for 8 years, and havent touched the stuff.. its also in altoids, starbursts, skittles etc. but they do make vegetarian jello which is good stuff. i think ill have some now :)

Yea also red skittles, red jello, red starburst and everything else dyed red with red 40 food coloring have crushed bugs. I don't know if that's a vegetarian.. just wait till op figures that out. lol

they stopped making skittles with gelatin! they switched it out for pectin :D

also, its red 4 that is the bug one (also known as carmine and cochineal. its also in some shampoos). not red 40.

Nope I'm positive it's red 40, I even just double checked. I'm not really sure what red 4 is.

Sinkhole 26

419, the Natural Red 4 food colouring (Carmine) is obtained by the carminic acid produced by some insects. Red 40 or Allura Red AC, is made from petroleum, so I'm pretty sure 183 is right.

Perhaps you guys are right, but it's hard to tell. About half the sources on the Internet say it's 40, and about half say it's 4 and that 40 is just a derivative from coal. That being said, my point was that OP is likely eating other things that contain animal products, if they consider beetles to be an animal.

I agree with 26. this isn't exactly a fyl moment.

BleuPapillon 0

if you're that concerned with what you eat you should do research before you eat it. While the gelatin fact may not be the most widely known, it isn't obscure. YDI for being a half ass vegetarian.

AVGNRocks 0
jcbball0012 2

I was eating a hamburger when I figured out that it had lettuce in it!!! I'm just about the furthest thing from a vegetarian you could be. FML

Take... the lettuce... off? Not all burgers have lettuce, and it doesn't make it any less of a burger without the lettuce...

drawing_a_blank 0

60 I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

RedPillSucks 31

I found out that my mother .... used.... hamburger helper as meat filler!!!!!! *sob* I'm going to be the only meat eater in vegetarian heaven when I die. I don't want to be alone.

Dude. You research, and find the facts. -sadface- Your fault.