By phonesnshit - 29/05/2010 04:04 - Canada

Today, I was expecting a very important work call. Today was also the day I got insuppressible diarrhea. As I was running to the washroom, the phone rang. I didn't make it to the washroom or the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 209
You deserved it 3 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just have a portable phone with you?

Op sounds like you wound up in a shity situation there! I know I'm wrong for that but I couldn't pass it up...


wesley123 0
InvaderVader 0

F Canada and invest in a cordless phone r-yard

You didn't deserve it. I hope people know that with cordless/electric phones, if something happens in a power outage--you're royally boned (assuming there is no cell phone).

Why do I feel like I've seen an FML exactly like this before?