By whatdoyoudo - 16/03/2009 04:39 - United States

Today, I was filling out paperwork with my new doctor. During the questionnaire, she asked if I was sexually active. I said yes. She then asked, "What do you do?" I told her I normally did vaginal, but sometimes anal. She blushed and started to laugh. She was asking where I worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 268
You deserved it 47 310

whatdoyoudo tells us more.

whatdoyoudo 2

ok. i am the poster and i'll answer some of your questions by prividing a little background: 1. I am a male 2. My doctor is female 3. She also has the best sense of humor I have seen in a physician 4. She is also my parents doctor 5. I told my parents this story 6. she will NEVER live it down

Top comments

hey... she layed a trick question for you... who would suddenly change from a sexual topic into asking "what do you do?" expecting you to know what she means... can't she be clearer by asking "What do you work as?"... she's literally ******* with you... literally

catladylovessus 0


calmthefuck_down 0

the doctor should've worded the question differently..

amixworld 0

Your life isnt ****** thats awesome I love it

ha, you should have told her you work on the streets, where any prostitute does, duh!

rockandrollbf 0

Ahaha, that's gotta be awkward. But really, she should have worded it differently.

tommyk 0

thats ur fault, y would ur doctor care how u have sex

#48, it depends on why the person is at the doctor. Furthermore, the question would not be "what do you do?" Doctors tend to ask things using more scientific or technical terms. It's why they ask you when your last bowel movement was rather than "when did you last take a shit?"